

Frequently Asked Questions

For a lot of folks, Campnab seems a bit weird at first. So, we compiled a list of common questions we receive about our service. If you’re unsure about something, you’ll probably find the answer below. If not, please feel free to start a chat discussion, and we’ll provide a response as quickly as we can. Thanks for your interest in Campnab! 🤙


What’s all this nabbing about?

Eric hated how campsites were booked months in advance. He figured that if he could track cancellations, he could nab a spot for his family. So, he made Campnab: a campsite availability tracker. Along the way, he realized that others might also benefit from it. This led us to share it with other campers—who also found success with it! Here’s a video that tells our story.

How does it work?

You fill in the form on our homepage, noting your camping preferences. You also provide your mobile phone number, preferred scan/plan, and payment information. Once complete, we scan your selected park for a cancellation. If one comes available we send you a text message so you can nab it.

Do you book a campsite for me?

Nope. That’s not our deal. We just monitor the availability of spaces in campgrounds and let you know when there’s a vacancy. It’s up to you to research which one is right for you, and make the booking via the park’s reservations system.

Does Campnab really work?

Yes—Campnab absolutely works. It monitors parks for cancelations and sends you an alert when an opening matches your criteria. That said, it isn’t magic. The app doesn’t create availabilities. So, if no one cancels a spot that meets your criteria, you won’t receive an alert.

For this reason, we recommend putting the odds in your favor. Scan more than one park and try for multiple campgrounds within each park. Turn on Flexible Dates. Set a short minimum duration. Don’t add too many filters. Also, trying for mid-week openings can help.

Who made this?

An Eric and another Eric at a design studio called smashLAB, in beautiful Vancouver, BC. We’re both active in the outdoors, and love camping with our respective families. ⛺️


How do I set up a campsite notifications scan?

Using your desktop or smartphone’s web browser visit our homepage and search for the park you’re interested in. Then select the campground you wish to stay at. Once you have, you can add filters (if you get a Campnab membership) for the kind of campsite you need. You can also note your preferred arrival date and the duration of your stay.

The system will then prompt you for your mobile phone number. After you do, you can choose from a pay-per-use scan or a monthly subscription. You’ll also select what tier of service you prefer. When you complete this process, Campnab will start monitoring that park based on your criteria.

BTW: We created a step-by-step walkthrough about how to create a scan that monitors sold-out campgrounds for new availabilities. You’ll find it on YouTube titled How Do I Set up a Campsite Notifications Scan?

How do I edit my scans?

You can edit your scans by visiting the Scans screen. Then click “Edit scan” on the scan you’d like to edit. This will pull up the scan creation page with all of your current scan details set. Just change these preferences as you’d like.

How long can I edit my scan for?

Pay-per-use scans can be edited for the first 24 hours, or until you receive your first alert. With a membership, you can edit your scans whenever you’d like, with no limitations. You can change the date, switch the park, or adjust your filters—whatever you need.

Why isn’t the Edit button visible on my scan?

If you don’t see an Edit button on your scan, it might be expired or paused. If that scan is paused, you can click Resume to turn it back on. Once you’ve done this, you will probably see the Edit button again.

One other possibility is that you purchased a pay-per-use scan and have already received some alerts. Pay-per-use scans can only be edited until you receive your first alert. After that, these scans are locked and cannot be edited.

Is it possible to set up a search for 2 sites close to each other?

The best way to tackle this one is to set up one search for that campground and grab whatever comes available. Then keep scanning and book the next one. (Odds are not great that these are side by side, but you never know.)

Then keep the scan running until the arrival date, and if something closer opens up, grab that one and cancel the one that’s further away.

Can I duplicate a scan?

Yes—you can duplicate a scan. This is a useful option when you’ve created a very specific scan for a park and wish to apply those same parameters to another date.

To copy a scan, go to the Scans area in your Dashboard. Find the scan you wish to duplicate and click the Copy button within it. Here’s a video that walks you through copying a scan.

How do I pause a scan?

You can pause a scan by visiting the Scans screen. Then locate the scan you want to pause in the section titled “Your active scans” and click the Pause button. Doing so will move it to the section titled “Your paused scans”. To turn the scan back on, click the Play button.

How do I delete a scan?

You can’t entirely delete a scan at this time. This is because past scans can be useful for future reference, and you might like to copy one of those when creating a new scan. That said, when you no longer need a scan, you can visit the Scans screen in your dashboard and Pause any scan you no longer wish to receive alerts for.


What is the RV app for cancellations?

It’s Campnab! We scan sold out parks for cancellations and notify you when a cancelled campsite reservation matches your parameters. Our handy filters allow you to set the types of campsites you’re alerted to, so you only get the ones that are right for your RV. Once you receive the alert, you can click the link to check if the opening is right for you—and book the spot.

Can I download an iOS or Android app for Campnab?

You don’t need to. It all works in your web browser. 😀


Is Campnab always scanning/online?

Campnab runs 24/7 so we can supply you with notifications of newly available campsites as quickly as possible. That said, we do sometimes run into obstacles. For example, if the parks’ websites are down/unresponsive, we can’t pull anything from them.

Additionally, the underlying technology used by each jurisdiction is continually changing. As such, we sometimes experience temporary issues. That said, we do actively monitor system performance, and do our best to keep it running smoothly for you.

If you think something is amiss, tell us via chat. We take uptime seriously, and will drop everything to ensure Campnab is doing as we promise.

When do scans run?

Some have asked if their scan starts running the moment they add it, or if these are rounded to a set clock time (e.g. on the hour and then every 5 minutes). The answer is neither.

We batch scans into jobs that are queued up in the system. They then start as other jobs finish. As a result, there can be a bit of variation between scan timing. That said, they run within a few seconds (give or take) of their scheduled frequency.

Can I scan for a whole month?

We don’t offer a way to monitor a full month on one scan. To date, we’ve avoided this as we don’t want to put undue pressure on parks’ booking systems.

That said, if you have a membership, you can run a handful of subsequent scans over the month. For example, the Awesome Plan allows you to run 7 scans. You could create a number of those, and expand your date range (in the “Pick Arrival Date” area) when you do.

This approach allows you to monitor a pretty wide period. Additionally, as you find the spots you want, you can repurpose those scan slots to run for different dates/parks.

How often does your application scan a particular campsite?

We recently bumped up our scan frequencies so that they run more often. 😀 Good tier scans runs every 10 to 15 minutes. Better tier scans run every 5 – 9 minutes. Awesome (and above) tier scans run every 1 – 4 minutes. These frequencies vary based on the park. You can read more about scan rates in this article about variable scan frequencies.

Why don’t you scan more frequently?

Our fastest scans run as every minute 1 – 4 minutes. In our opinion, this is an optimal recurrence for two reasons. The first is that scans take time to complete. As such, scanning more frequently than this is effectively redundant as your scans would overlap.

The second is out of respect for our parks services. We don’t want to inundate them with unnecessary requests that become a nuisance. We built our system to help get people into parks, without over-tasking any of these services. (We’ve done a lot of work behind the scenes to be as efficient as possible.)

Are you scanning all parks at all times?

No, this would be inefficient and add unnecessary load to parks’ booking systems. We’re highly sensitive to this point, as we don’t want to become a burden. Instead, we only actively scan parks that members have signed up to monitor.


How much does it cost?

We offer two ways to use Campnab. The first is individual pay-per-use scans. These watch for vacancies at a specific park for a specific date. These work well if you know exactly when and where you're intending to camp. Pay-per-use scans cost $10 – $20, depending on how frequently you want us to check availability for you.

The second are memberships. These typically run monthly and are tailored to those who camp more frequently or are looking to maximize their chance of finding a site. A membership allows you to scan multiple parks and/or dates simultaneously. With memberships, you pay a monthly recurring fee ($10, $20, $30) depending on your needs.

We also offer annual memberships. These represent a greater commitment, but come at a notable cost savings.

Still not sure? This article goes over the benefits of a Campnab membership and this one looks at which Campnab plan is right for you. Not interested in reading? No problem! Here’s a video about Which Campnab Plan Is Right for Me?

Where does the money go?

Campnab revenue goes to two things: technology and time.

Scanning as we do requires a number of servers working to fulfill member requests. Additionally, we’ve sent over 5.3 million alerts (as of April 2024). The costs to run these scans and send all those notifications add up pretty quickly.

It takes us a surprising amount of time and effort to build and maintain this service. This includes ensuring uptime, adding new features, and making ongoing improvements. Also, there’s the one-on-one support we offer. The two of us are always on call to help members like you with your questions.

Essentially: without your membership, we couldn’t offer this service to you. So, thanks for making this possible!

Is Campnab free?

Nope. Eric and I have built a number of products over the years. We’ve learned that free products typically don’t last as the maintenance, support, and costs become onerous. Free products tend to fizzle out or (eventually) need to generate revenue. Some free products switch to a paid model. Others fill their pages with ads. Yet others sell access to your personal data.

We want to be around for the long run to help people like you get out camping more. When you pay for Campnab, you sponsor the ongoing development of our product. Your purchase goes to paying my wage and Eric’s, as well as our technology costs. We look upon members like you as our patrons. Without you, it’d be impossible for us to do this work.

Can I have a free trial?

Nope—we don’t offer free trials. This is because Campnab is a small project. Every penny we earn from it helps us dedicate more time to making it better. That said, we do have an affiliate program that rewards members for helping us spread the word.

Do you offer Campnab promo codes?

We don’t offer promo codes at this time. That said, we do have an Affiliate program that rewards members for sharing Campnab with their friends.

Is Campnab worth it?

The answer to this question depends on you. If you have spare time, you can avoid using Campnab and instead manually Refresh parks’ booking pages to check for availabilities. If you don’t have the time to bother with that, Campnab automates the process. For some, this convenience is valuable. For others, it’s less so.

I didn’t know I had to pay. How do I cancel?

Supplying your phone number only allows us to verify your phone number, and ensure you can receive messages. It doesn’t sign you up for anything. Unless you selected a membership/pay-per-use option, clicked “Purchase Notification”, and inserted your credit card number, you have not bought anything and there is nothing you need to cancel.

Do you refund me if I don’t receive any alerts?

Nope. When you sign up for Campnab, you’re effectively hiring us to search on your behalf. That’s all. We don’t control the supply of campsites and can’t force someone to cancel. As such, we can’t say whether you’ll get any alerts.

Plus, you set the parameters of your scan. The way you do this plays a huge part in what results you’ll see. The more reasonable your criteria, the better your odds. Here are some tips for getting more alerts.

We also can’t guarantee that you’ll book a campsite from an alert we send. Lots of people are looking, and someone might beat you to it. That said, those who are patient and persistent often do find success—even at super-popular campgrounds.


What are the benefits of a Campnab membership?

Pay-per-use scans are fine for occasional campers. However, memberships offer a lot of added benefits to more regular outdoors-people.

Most notably, memberships allow you to:

  • Run several ongoing scans at a lower overall cost
  • Edit your scans at any time
  • Scan for any date in the next 12 months
  • Filter by camping requirements and vehicle type
  • Scan for specific campsites
  • Get personalized support from a real human
  • Sponsor ongoing development

Looking for more about the above points? Check out this blog article for added detail.

Can I switch from a pay-per-use scan to a membership?

Yes—absolutely. You can switch to a membership via the Dashboard, in the Plan section. When you do, the amount you’ve already paid will be pro-rated and applied toward the first month.

Which Campnab plan should I go with?

The answer to this question depends entirely on what kind of camper you are. If you only plan to camp once a year, a pay-per-use scan might be all you need. If you camp mostly in the summer months, a monthly membership is a nice upgrade. It offers you more options and better overall value. If you’re a year-round RVer, an annual membership offers added savings (but requires a minimum commitment of one year).

One other consideration is which plan tier you choose. In many areas, one of our lower-priced tiers will do fine. That said, some folks need more options. They want to monitor more parks/dates, or they want their scans to run at a higher frequency. This scan rate is particularly useful if you camp at popular parks (e.g., Yosemite) because new openings at those parks get rebooked quickly.

You can find more a more detailed explanation of your plan options in this article: Which Campnab Plan Is Right for You?

Do I need the highest-priced Campnab plan?

Absolutely not. Many are served well with the $10/month plan, and we encourage you to sign up for that and see if it works for you. Should you need to run a greater number of scans, you can upgrade—but there’s no rush to do that.

However, in some places canceled spots are often rebooked quickly. For this reason, we encourage those camping at popular parks (like Yosemite) to start with a plan that runs scans at a greater frequency.

If I sign up with a lower-price plan, can I upgrade later?

Yes. When you do, the system will pro-rate your existing purchase and apply the balance to the new purchase. 😎

How do I upgrade/downgrade my Campnab plan?

You can change your plan tier at any time from the Plan panel in your Dashboard. If you upgrade, you’ll likely be charged a little extra to make up for the price difference between plan tiers. If you downgrade, you might receive a credit for the pricing discrepancy. If you do receive a credit, this sum will be attached to your account and applied to future renewals or purchases.

Why do subscriptions auto-renew?

Subscriptions automatically renew for your convenience. This approach ensures that any scan you created continues to run free of interruption, right up to your planned arrival date.

That said, it’s easy to cancel your Campnab membership. Just visit your Plan page and click “Cancel your plan”. You’ll still be able to use your plan until the end of your paid term.

Do you bill on a calendar month or the anniversary of the first scan?

Subscriptions renew on the anniversary of you creating your first scan. Another note worth keeping in mind: If you no longer need Campnab, you should cancel before the renewal date. (You can do this by visiting your Plan page and then clicking “Cancel your plan”.) That way it will run until the end of your paid period—but not auto-renew at the end of that billing cycle.

What do you mean by “concurrent scans“?

When you sign up for a Campnab membership, you can run a few different scans at the same time. We call these concurrent scans, as they can be run in tandem.

Each of these scans can be set with unique scan parameters (park, campground, date, duration, filters). The lowest-price membership includes 3 scans. The highest-price membership includes 30.

Why didn’t I receive a receipt for my purchase?

We send a receipt with every new purchase and renewal. So, if you didn’t receive a receipt from us your mail app is likely treating those receipts as spam. Check your spam folder for messages from Campnab and you’re bound to spot those receipts. Should you not find them there, email us and we can provide copies of any missing receipts.

Can I cancel my membership at the end of the summer?

Yes—you can cancel your monthly membership at any time. That said, we don’t refund for the current month (as you’ve used the service for part of it). Please do note, though, that this is a side-project we can only put so much time into. When you keep your membership active, you sponsor us in the ongoing development of Campnab. So, if you don’t cancel, we’re cool with that, too. 😉


Is Campnab legit?

Absolutely! We’re just two people working on a little app and we’ve done so since 2017. You can read reviews on our website or see some Campnab reviews on Facebook. Still not sure? Feel free to send us an email or start a chat session (using the chat button on the side of your screen) to ask us questions if you’d like.

Is Campnab safe?

It is. The two of us (Eric and Eric) have been working on Campnab for almost 5 years now. In that time we’ve helped thousands of campers find canceled campsite reservations. You can read some reviews on Facebook

There’s nothing magical or weird our service. We just check booking systems to see when campsites get canceled so you don’t have to do that manually.

We never sell or share your information. Additionally, we rely on Stripe for payment processing, which is a trusted service. More on that here.

Do you guarantee success?

The service absolutely does work, but results vary. We can’t control when cancellations come up. We only monitor them and notify members. Sometimes someone cancels a booking and sometimes not.

For example: I had a scan running on Manning Park for the Canada Day long weekend, and didn’t receive a single cancellation notification. On the other hand, Eric S. (who built the system) received a handful of notifications for the same busy weekend, at a different park.

In our first year, we found that up to 4,000 new spots opened up, almost every day, throughout the summer (in BC and Ontario alone). So, otherwise sold-out campsites do open up all the time.

How many alerts have you sent?

As of April 2024 our campsite availability checker had sent over 5,300,000 alerts. Lots, right?

How do I know that your site is secure?

If you check the URL field in your browser window, you’ll see a lock icon. This indicates that communications between your browser and our web server are encrypted. This type of connection is built to prevent anyone from reading or modifying the data you exchange with the website.

When it comes to payment, we rely on Stripe for processing. Stripe is certified with the most stringent level of certification in the payments industry and is fully PCI (payment card industry) compliant. Stripe encrypts all card numbers at rest with AES-256 and they store decryption keys are stored on separate machines. You can read more about Stripe’s security policies on their website.

Your credit card information is handled directly by Stripe and we have no way of gaining access to your card number or other sensitive information. We just request payment and they tell us whether or not the charge was successful.

Do you share my information with third-parties?

We don’t sell or share your private information with any third-party. That said, we do rely on Stripe for payment processing. When you sign up for our service, you provide them with some information (name, credit card information, email address) to make your payment.

Stripe is a trusted service that’s used by many organizations on the web. You can learn more about how Stripe’s certification and processes in the section titled How do I know that your site is secure?

We also run Google Analytics to understand site activity and usage patterns. That said, the data we see through Google Analytics is anonymized and we can’t track it specifically to you.

Do you have testimonials from Campnab customers?

We do! Check out the Reviews page, or, you can take a look at the ones that members have added to the Reviews area on our Facebook page.


What regions can you monitor?

We started with parks in British Columbia, as we live here—and initially made this service so we could find campsite openings for our families. We added Ontario Parks, shortly after as we have family members out that way. Since then, we also added Canada’s National Parks (because how could we not?) as well as provincial parks in Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, and PEI.

Our campsite availability checker scans areas managed by (America) and Reserve America. We’re able to scan National Parks in the United States for canceled reservations.

We monitor availabilities at state parks in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

We also scan for sites managed by Tacoma Public Utilities, Long Point Region Conservation Authority, Washington County Parks, and Maricopa County Parks.

As we add jurisdictions, we’ll note them in our newsfeed. (Click the bell icon on the right side of this page to access the newsfeed.)

Does campnab work in Canada?

Yes—Campnab absolutely works in Canada! In fact, we started our service here in BC, as we both live here with our respective families. Campnab monitors Alberta’s Provincial Parks, BC’s Provincial Parks, Saskatchewan’s Provincial Parks, Nova Scotia’s Provincial Parks, Ontario’s Provincial Parks, Manitoba’s Provincial Parks, PEI’s Provincial Parks, and Canada’s National Parks. 😀

What’s the difference between a park, campground, and campsite?

Although folks often use these terms interchangeably, each is unique. A park is an area of land. A campground is an area in which people can camp (there can be many campgrounds in one park). A campsite is a place where people (typically a family or group) can camp.

BTW: You can find even more answers in Campnab’s Pretty Darned Useful Glossary of Camping Terms.

Can you set alerts on recently (September 2023) added built-in alerts but these are only for frontcountry campsite bookings and you’re limited to scanning three campgrounds (not parks) at a time. Campnab allows you to scan most campgrounds and backcountry permits available on So, if you wish to create a scan for a campsite availability on, just go to our homepage and type the park name in the Find a Park field. From there, you can set the arrival date, duration, and your site requirements. Campground not there? Kick us an email and we’ll look into it. 🙂

My park already offers alerts. Why should I use Campnab?

That’s great! If your park already offers alerts, we recommend using their system first as it’s probably free of charge. If you find that it isn’t working for you, or you need additional functionality (filtering, different regions, et cetera) we’re always here for you.

I represent a parks board. Can you monitor our region?

We’re certainly eager to pursue these sorts of partnerships—and bring Campnab to more people. That said, it does take us some time to adapt the system to new regions. To discuss your region, and how we can work together, email your request to us, chat with us, or call one of the Erics at 604-683-2250.


What are the benefits of Campnab?

Here are a handful of reasons why we consider Campnab special—and how these benefits makes a difference for campers like you.

Campnab allows you to scan a lot of different parks

There are many campgrounds out there, and we can scan for availabilities at many of them (currently 3,133 parks, 14,877 campgrounds, and hundreds of permits). We have over 350,252 campsites in our directory from parks in Canada as well as the United States, and we’re working to add more.

Campnab lets you scan for backcountry permit availabilities

If you prefer to get into the backcountry, Campnab can help you scan for permit cancelations at parks in the United States and Canada. In the U.S., we can scan for more than 650 permits and tickets (tours, passes, permits, day use, backcountry, etc.) at parks booked through In Canada, we can scan for backcountry cancelations at several provincial and national parks.

Campnab’s filters help you refine your results

If you have vehicle or amenity requirements, our filtering capabilities can come in handy. Although these vary from one park to the next, you can typically filter by campsite type, vehicle length, ADA—and sometimes electrical hookups. You can also use our filtering to specify the exact campsites you’re interested in.

Campnab is ridiculously easy to use

We’ve put a lot of effort into making Campnab work the way it should. As a result, members often tell us that it just “felt good to use”. Upon visiting our homepage, our system will step you through creating a scan, opening an account, and choosing a plan/tier in just a few moments.

Campnab is run by real humans

We’re Eric S. and Eric K., and we’ve been friends since Eric K. had a mullet. We built this product for our own needs, and are thrilled to be offering it to campers like you. So, if you have a problem or question, we’re here for you. Click on the chat icon (center-right of screen) to start a discussion, or email us, or call us: 604-683-2250. We’ll work with you one-on-one to get you what you need. Please note that there can be a delay if we’re out on our bikes, or spending time with our respective families.

Campnab is our obsession

Creating a campsite availability app isn’t all that hard. In fact, a number of hobbyists have tried their hand at doing so. That said, it soon gets tricky. Campsite booking systems often change or have strange glitches. Adding new jurisdictions takes time and introduces new challenges. Sometimes weird things happen on the booking systems and need to be investigated. At Campnab we’re continually improving the system, addressing issues, and monitoring uptime (sometimes when everyone else is fast asleep) to ensure we’re offering good value. This might be why our members are so fanatical about our service.

What are Flexible Dates?

If you’re willing to arrive a little earlier/later, you’ll typically get more alerts. This means more opportunities to camp. Our Flexible Dates feature expands the number of arrival dates you can monitor within one scan to a total of 7 days. You can turn Flexible Dates on by clicking on the dropdown menu in the arrival date picker and adding up to 6 more days to your scan.

Do you scan for backcountry permits?

We’ve been working on adding scanning of backcountry permits for canceled reservations for the past while. This is a challenging one to add, as even within a single booking system, permits are managed in several different ways.

As of early-March 2021, we’re able to scan for a number of backcountry permits on In early April 2021, we added scanning of BC’s backcountry permits and ones in Canada’s National Parks. Some have been more challenging than others to monitor, so, we can’t yet scan all of them.

Backcountry permits on other booking systems will be slower to come. This is because it takes time to integrate with each booking system—and we some are in less demand than others.

Do you monitor wilderness permits?

We currently monitor a number of wilderness permits in Canada and the United States for cancelations / new availabilities. That said, these are tricky because they’re often managed differently than campground reservations. As such, we haven’t added scanning for availabilities of all wilderness permits, but we do scan many hundreds of them.

Can I rename my scans?

You sure can! Every scan on your Scans panel starts with the name of the park it is monitoring as the default name. A few members asked for the option to rename their scans, to make them easier to identify. To do this, just open your Scans panel and find the scan you wish to rename. Put your cursor in the name field and rename it to whatever you’d like. 🙂

Can you add [feature] to Campnab?

Since launching, a number of folks have contacted us to request new features and improvements. Although we can’t always act on these requests immediately, we do welcome and value the input.

In fact, we love when members like you share your ideas, suggestions, and even frustrations with Campnab. This feedback informs how we improve the product and which features we prioritize development of. So, feel free to start a discussion with us or email your requests to us.


Can I filter searches (ADA, hookups, etc.)?

You sure can! Start by creating your scan and selecting your desired park and campgrounds. Once you have, you’ll see the option to add filters to your campsite monitoring scan. (Please note that the available filters will vary from one park to the next, based on how that jurisdiction is set up.)

Can I scan for a specific campsite?

YAAAS YOU CAN! We just added this feature, and it’s pretty handy. Site-specific scanning is useful if you want to know exactly which campsites you want to stay at. (Obviously, this reduces the number of alerts you can expect to receive.)

Site-specific scanning is available to all Campnab members on a plan. To set one up, create a scan from our homepage as you normally would. Select the park and campground. Then, click/tap “Specific sites” to choose the campsites you wish to monitor.

Should my vehicle length filter be for only my trailer or my truck and trailer?

The Vehicle Length attribute in parks’ booking systems is always a bit confusing, and it varies a bit from one booking system to the next. Generally, I recommend putting the shortest length possible (e.g., just the trailer), which will result in the most alerts. Once you receive an alert you can check the site details to ensure that the campsite is suitable for your rig.


Do I receive only one alert?

No—you’ll keep receiving new alerts as spots open up, right up to your arrival date. (You can pause these alerts if you no longer need them.) That said, it is possible that you’ll receive no alerts. Your scan parameters—and luck—will play a part in this. Check out this video for tips on how to optimize your scans, so, you can maximize your chances of finding a canceled campsite reservation.

I only want a few specific sites. Will I be notified every 5 minutes for every open site, or just when one switches from reserved to open?

If you only care about a few specific sites in the campground, I recommend a monthly plan as it will allow you to filter out all but the campsites you want.

That said, if you choose a pay-per-use scan, you’ll receive an alert about those available sites once. After that, you’ll only receive alerts on sites that switch from reserved to open.

What information do your text alerts contain?

Each text alert our campsite availability checker sends notes the park, campground(s), duration, and arrival date. We also note the site number. However, if there are multiple sites, we just say “sites”—to avoid sending a super-long text message. We also provide a link back to that park’s booking page when that’s possible (sometimes this goes to the specific site, campground, or homepage, depending on that specific booking system).

Do you provide a direct link to the campsite?

We do this whenever we can. Some parks have a discrete permalink for each campsite. In these cases we provide the link. Unfortunately, some reservation systems don’t offer this functionality.

We can’t provide direct links for reservation systems that don’t have permalinks for individual campsites or campgrounds (because there’s nothing for us to point you to). In these cases, the link we provide will take you to the reservation system home page.

Can you send my alerts to two different phone numbers?

We can’t associate two phones with one account. Here’s a video with more on sending alerts to two phones.

That said, you can also get alerts by email. So, one of you can opt for text alerts, and the other can get email alerts. To receive alerts by email, add your address under the “Email alerts” heading in your Settings, and click the Save button.

Will you notify me of every campsite that comes available?

Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that. There are a lot of variables when it comes to scanning campgrounds for new cancelations. As such, we’re bound to miss a few. That said we sure do work hard to make our scans as accurate and effective as possible.

What if nothing comes available?

That’s just the way this life works out sometimes, dude/dudette/dudex. You’ve got to roll with it.

Why don’t you send campsite notifications by email?

Actually, we do! If you’d like to receive alerts by email, visit your Settings panel. Then add your email address in the field labeled “Email alerts”. Once you have, we’ll send you a verification email. Check your email inbox and click on the link in that email.

Doing so will verify your email address, allowing us to send you notifications via email. You can stop receiving alerts via email by removing your email address from the “Email alerts” field in Settings.

That said, we still recommend getting campsite alerts by text message instead. This is for two reasons:

1) You don’t need to worry about new campsite availability notifications getting caught in a spam filter.

2) Some reservations can get rebooked in less than a minute. Text messages are faster and grab your attention. This gives you a better chance at booking that spot.

I should also note that we don’t abuse this method of connection. We never share members’ phone numbers or email addresses with any other parties. Also, we only send notifications. You can pause these, or stop them entirely, at any time.

I live overseas. Can I still use Campnab?

International visitors planning a trip to Canada or the United States often want to scan for cancelations at popular parks. A number of these sorts of campers have contacted us, asking to use Campnab to help them find newly canceled campsites and permits.

We can service some international customers with text messaging. However, some countries are prohibitively expensive to send text messages to—meaning we can’t send them notifications via SMS. That said, we can send these folks alerts via email.

If you choose to try Campnab out, just enter your phone number when prompted. Our system will check to see if we can send text messages to your country. If we can, the system will send a verification code via SMS. If we can’t send text messages to your area, you’ll be prompted to sign up using email instead.


How do I sign into my Campnab account?

Our sign-in process is a bit different than on other sites. We don’t have usernames or passwords on Campnab. Instead, you just select Sign in from the main navigation and go to your Dashboard.

The system will ask you for your phone number. Once you enter that, it’ll send you an access code. Enter that code and you’ll be signed in. Here’s a quick video that shows how you can sign into your Campnab account.

Why didn’t I receive an access code to sign in?

A few things could be happening. The first might be a delay or outage with your cell provider. This happens pretty commonly and carriers typically resolve these issues within an hour or two.

Another possibility is that your carrier is blocking text messages. So, text START to our alerts number: 877-626-0108. This tells their system that you want to receive these text messages. Then try signing in again.

If neither of the above approaches works, let us know by starting a chat (speech bubble on the right side of your screen) or emailing us and we can look into this issue more closely.

Do I need to complete my profile?

All Campnab members have the option of creating a public profile. (Here’s what mine looks like.) If you create one, you can post your photo, location, a brief bio, and links to your social media pages.

The nice part with these profiles is that they put a face to any campsite reviews you choose to post. (Psst! 🤫 You can win prizes for posting campsite reviews on Campnab!)

Profiles are completely optional and you can choose whether you wish to make yours public. You can complete/edit your profile by visiting your profile page and clicking Edit profile. Once you’ve done so, you can click/tap the switch to make your profile private or public.

Can I change the phone number on my account?

You can change your number from your Settings panel. Just be sure to only sign in with whatever number you set that to. Here’s a video that walks you through changing the phone number on your account.

How can I change my payment method?

You can change your payment method by going into your Dashboard and selecting Payment method under the Plan area. Here’s a direct link to the Payment method area. Once there you can update your card on file and any future (or pending) payments will go to that card.

How do I cancel my Campnab plan?

That’s easy! You can cancel your Campnab plan by visiting your Plan panel. Once you’re there, just click/tap the button that reads: “Cancel your plan”. (For your convenience, we even put a “Cancel your plan” button in the Shortcuts area in your Dashboard. If you still have some scans running, you’ll see an option to let them run to the end of your paid term, or stop them immediately. Here’s a quick video that steps you through cancelling your Campnab plan.

Can I hibernate my Campnab membership?

Yes. 👍 You can hibernate your monthly Campnab membership and set a date to resume service. For example, let’s say you only camp in the summer. At the end of the season, you can hibernate your account and set it to resume again next spring.

Your plan will run until the end of your paid term. Once that date passes, your plan will hibernate until the date you set your membership to resume. During the hibernation period you will not be charged any monthly fees.

If you decide to resume service early or cancel altogether, you can do so from your Plan page. Additionally we’ll send a reminder text before your plan automatically resumes, so you remember to set up some new scans.

How do I remove myself from your mailing list?

If you no longer wish to receive general updates from us, visit your Settings panel and scroll down to Updates, promos, and fun stuff. Once there, uncheck the option that reads “Sure, I’d like to get occasional emails about Campnab updates”. Then click Save at the bottom of the page. You will immediately be removed from our general email updates.

Please don’t remove your email from the Billing email area, as we need an address to send your payment receipts. Also, you might avoid removing your email from the Email alerts area. Doing so will limit any new campsite availability alerts to text messages.


How do I improve my odds?

First, select as many campgrounds as you’re willing to. You can scan up to 6 campgrounds in a park, per scan.

Try setting your alert for a shorter stretch (e.g., minimum 1 night, not 7). You’ll still be notified of longer openings, but you’ll also be alerted to shorter ones. (If you have an RV, you could move between a couple of different spots in the same park.)

If you’re open to it, you might also benefit lengthening the date range you’re scanning (in the date picker area). This will add scanning for your preferred arrival date, plus 6 more days—at no added cost.

Don’t get carried away with filters. Filters only remove results, and this reduces the number of alerts you’ll receive. So, applying fewer filtering parameters can help.

Set your scans as early as possible—but, expect to receive more notifications in the weeks leading up to your chosen date. This makes sense, as people’s plans tend to solidify as their planned date approaches, and will cancel their booking if it’s no longer needed.

If the parks you’re looking at are particularly popular, spots might also be getting booked by others before you get the alert. Sometimes upgrading to a plan tier that scans more frequently can help.

Also, patience and persistence pays off. You may receive several alerts but not manage to nab the campsite on the first go. That said, many users report success after a few missed chances.

Act on notifications immediately—spots go quickly!

If you’d like, this video: “How Do I Get More Campsite Alerts” and this one: “Why Don’t I Receive Campsite Alerts” also contain some recommendations.

Want more ideas for improving your odds of finding a website? Check these 10 tips for setting up a camp alert that gets you a campsite reservation.

When I get the alert, how long do I have to book the site?

That’s not something we control. That said, if you receive an alert we recommend clicking on the link contained in it as quickly as possible.

You could click and find that someone has already beat you to the spot. Or, it might sit unbooked for hours. It all depends on the campsite, how popular it is, and who else is looking for that same date.

I should stress that this year is extremely competitive. As such, I suspect newly available spots will get rebooked quickly.

Can I set a custom ring tone for Campnab alerts?

You sure can! We recommend doing this. It’s a great way to make new campsite availability alerts stand out from your other incoming text messages. Our only request: if you receive an alert from us while you’re driving, please be safe and pull to the side of the road to check it.

How to set a custom ring tone on Android devices

  • Select the conversation from us (1-877-626-0108)
  • Tap the menu icon (three dots) in the top right
  • Tap Details
  • Tap Notifications
  • Tap Sound
  • Select a tone
  • Tap the back arrow, Save, or OK

How to set a custom ring tone on iOS devices

  • Select the conversation from us (1-877-626-0108)
  • Tap the arrow (beside the phone number) to expand options
  • Tap info
  • Tap info button
  • Tap Create new contact
  • (Optional) Type “Campnab Alerts” in the Company field
  • Scroll to Text Tone and tap
  • Select the Alert Tone you like
  • Tap Done (top-right corner)
  • Tap Done again


When will I start receiving alerts?

You want a campsite, and the sooner the better, right? We get it! (Seriously, we do.) That said, we don’t control the inventory—we only look for openings. So, aside from providing suggestions for getting more alerts, there isn’t anything we can do.

We encourage you to be patient. If it’s January, and you’re looking for an opening in July, you might have to wait a while. Most people’s plans change closer to their arrival date. So, stay calm and cross your fingers. Campsites do become available. FWIW: We’ve sent more than 4,800,000 alerts (and counting) since we launched.

Why am I not receiving campsite alerts?

There are several reasons you might not be receiving alerts. It could have something to do with the park. Perhaps their booking window isn’t yet open. Or, the campsite might be closed.

Alternatively, there might be an issue with your scan. Perhaps your minimum duration is too long. Your scan criteria might be overly specific or infrequent. Or, you might be scanning too far ahead—and just need to wait a while.

In some rare situations your phone provider might ​be blocking texts, or, there might be a problem with the scan. Looking for more detail on the above points? This video titled “Why Don’t I Receive Campsite Alerts” might prove helpful.

Why aren‘t I receiving text messages from Campnab?

Most times when this happens, it’s because the member responded STOP to the text messages. Doing so prevents all text messages from being sent to you. So, first, check if you did this. If you did, just respond UNSTOP to that text message and we’ll once again be able to send text messages to your number.

If this is not the case, there might be a carrier problem. You can check with your carrier to see if text messages from us are being blocked. Alternatively, you can email us and we can look into the issue and help get it sorted.

My queries have gone quiet. Do I need to refresh them?

You shouldn’t need to do anything. Sometimes there are periods where people’s plans are in flux and fewer/more cancellations come up. Additionally, we tend to find that there are more cancellations as the date approaches and campers’ plans solidify.

That said, if you think something’s wrong, we’re happy to look into your scans and see if there’s an underlying issue. Just send us an email and note which scan you’re concerned about. We’ll then check it and confirm that it’s working, or resolve any issues.

I need help! Who do I talk to?

We can lend a hand. You can start a chat session and one of us will answer your questions. (If we’re online, we’ll respond immediately. If not, leave your email when prompted to ensure you receive our replies.)

Why isn’t your website loading properly?

We probably pushed an update that’s conflicting with your cached version of our site. This is a pretty easy fix. All you need to do is clear your browser cache and reload the website. From there everything should be back to normal. 🙂


What are locked sites?

A couple of areas including California and Florida State Parks hold some of their canceled campsite reservations for rebooking.

These sites sometimes (but not always) appear in their booking systems with a lock icon. These campsites typically get released or unlocked the following day at a set time.

Can you send notifications about locked sites that are set to release?

Yes! We can now scan Reserve California and Florida State Parks for canceled campsite reservations that are locked.

If we spot one that matches your requirements, we’ll send you a notification noting what time that campsite is set to unlock for booking. We’ll also send a heads-up message 30 minutes before the site is set to be unlocked.

These notifications won’t give you an advantage over other campers. You’ll still need to compete for these campsites. However, this feature can save you from needing to refresh the booking page all day long.

I was there the exact moment a campsite was set to unlock, but it isn’t available. What gives?

There could be a few different reasons for this. One might be that someone else booked it before you. Another is that the spot was released at a slightly different time from what the booking system indicated. This happens quite commonly. More about the variability of unlock alerts in this article.

Booking systems sometimes change release times for locked campsites. We report the most accurate information we can. that said, all information provided is subject to change.

Why do I get alerts for reserved campsites?

Another camper probably beat you to it. Some sites (e.g. Yosemite) are in high demand, and get booked in minutes.

This also might relate to the plan you are on. If your scans run every 15 minutes, and someone else’s run every 5, they have a 10 minute head start on you.

So, when you receive an alert, act on it immediately. If you keep missing out, perhaps consider upgrading to a higher-frequency plan.

Looking for more tips on booking a hard to get campsite? Read this post for some additional tips.

There’s a spot available but I didn’t receive an alert. What happened?

This is typically due to a discrepancy between your scan parameters and the availability. For example, if your search is for a minimum of 3 nights and the availability is only 2 nights, you won’t be alerted. Sometimes a filter (let’s say vehicle length) filters out that opening. Or it might be a matter of not having the right campground selected.

If you think there’s an error, carefully compare the opening with your scan (you can access it from your scans screen). Odds are you’ll find something different between the two. If you’re still convinced there’s an issue, let us know. We can investigate and see if something is awry—and potentially fix that issue.

I was notified of a two-day opening, but the park requires a three-day booking on long weekends? Why did you notify me?

Our system effectively looks for campsites that have switched from unavailable to available. Campnab doesn’t factor in local policies for that park/region—as there’s no practical way for us to do so (especially across so many thousands of parks).

As such, the onus is on you to research the park’s booking requirements and policies. (Of which there are many, and some of them are sort of weird.) Once you’re familiar with these, you can use that knowledge to inform how you set up your campsite scan.

Why did I receive two alerts for the same campsite, a few minutes apart?

Typically this is a result of someone not completing their reservation. So, let’s say an alert comes up. You and another person both receive the same notification, but they act faster than you. This means that by the time you get to the booking page, the opening is no longer available.

If they change their mind and don’t complete the reservation process, that campsite toggles from Unavailable to Available—and it’ll probably get spotted when your scan next runs. Or, if that person is slow to complete their reservation, it might get released from their cart and also become available.

The other scenario that causes this to happen is when a booking system has some kind of error that causes a campsite to toggle from available to unavailable out of error. This doesn’t happen often, but we’ve seen this a few times over the years.

Why are some campgrounds broken up by “loops”?

We don’t control this information. We pull it directly from the parks’ booking systems. This part is tricky, as some break their campgrounds up into smaller loops. Others house all of their campsites under a single park listing with no campground categorization. Yet others have names that don’t necessarily correlate with the maps on their websites. This all varies greatly based on how each park sorts its information. (We’re often surprised by how strangely campground data is structured.)

What if a natural disaster affects a park? Will I still get alerts?

As tragic as it is, forest fires, water shortages, seasonal floods, and other disasters affect parks. These situations arise suddenly and change quickly. As such, even if a park’s website makes mention of such a disaster, their booking systems might not reflect these issues.

As our scanning service references data from these booking systems, there are limits to what we can monitor. Campnab effectively looks for when a campsite switches from Reserved to Available. It has no way of knowing if a disaster or local policy might prevent you from booking that campsite. (Also, we scan far too many parks to monitor this information manually.)

As such, any scan you set up will continue to monitor on your behalf—and produce alerts as the system observes them.


Can you get me a campsite on opening morning?

Unfortunately, no, that’s not what our service is about. In fact, Campnab provides no value to you on opening day. Instead, you’ll need to do your research, get up early on opening morning, be signed into the park’s site, and act fast. If you’re well prepared, you might not even need us at all. However, if you aren’t successful, that’s where Campnab comes in. You can use our service to spot campsite reservations that get canceled between opening morning and your preferred arrival date.

Will your bot book campsites for me?

We get this question from a lot of folks. Campnab doesn’t do this and we never will. It would give some people an unfair advantage over others, and that’d be kind of crappy for everyone.

All our service does is notify you when a campsite matching your requirements becomes available. This helps you avoid hitting the Refresh button manually, day in and day out. It also means campsites get utilized.

Out of curiosity, I’ve looked for apps that programmatically book campsites when they open for reservations. So far, I haven’t found anything of the sort. And, if someone were to create such an app, I suspect that parks systems would quickly shut them down. (FWIW: We don’t consider bots a real concern. Here’s a video that explains why.)

Admittedly, someone could be running a script that we don’t know about. However, even Parks Canada has researched this. In this CBC article, they note: “Of course, we don't want people to be using a script or a bot or anything, and there's no evidence of that.”

Are you hoarding campsites?

Absolutely not. We help identify when a park has an availability—that’s all. We don’t book on your behalf. We don’t hoard campsites. And we don’t sell campsite reservations at inflated rates.

Do you resell campsite reservations?

That’s a hard no. We do not resell campsite reservations, and have no plans to. Such practices aren’t good for anyone, and often result in unscrupulous parties making it harder for campers to find spots. If you have a campsite reservation that you can’t use, we ask you to do the right thing, and cancel your spot. If you do so early enough, you’ll likely get a partial refund. More importantly, you’ll help someone else get out camping—instead of letting the campsite go unused.

Are you “powered by”?

Campnab is not affiliated with, endorsed by, maintained by, or in any way officially connected with the parks we scan—nor their technology providers. That said, organizations like do allow third-parties to access their data through programs like their Recreation Information Database (RIDB). We’re grateful that we’re able to build upon services like these, and in turn help people go camping.

Can I sell my camping reservation through your site?

Nope—we don’t reserve or sell campsites.

Depending on where you live, you might be able to sell it on Craigslist or Kijiji. (You can check the parks’ website to see if this is permitted.)

If you do, we recommend selling for no more than what you paid. We say this for two reasons. The first is that it’s the right thing to do. The second is that charging more than you paid might make others very angry.

Alternatively, you might be able to transfer your reservation to a friend or fellow camper. Some parks do allow this. Here’s a (hopefully still accurate) list of which parks do / don’t allow transfers.

The other thing you can do is to go back to your parks’ website, and cancel your booking there. You’ll likely be eligible for a partial refund, depending on their policies and how close you are to the arrival date.

Canceling is a good thing to do, as it means that someone else who wants the site will put it to use. This is just good karma—especially as there’s so much demand this year. Additionally, the pandemic has been hard on many. By canceling your reservation you help someone else get outdoors, which is a gift.

Are you skimming money from our parks system?

No. In fact, we consider Campnab to be an ally to parks, as we help fill campgrounds that might otherwise go unused (and not paid for). Campnab is made available at no cost to your region. Additionally, it helps maximizes campground utilization, which increases revenue for these parks. Even better yet, Campnab helps a greater number of people find a way to enjoy camping!

Doesn’t your service just slow down parks’ websites?

We’re very careful about how we access data from parks’ websites. When possible we integrate with their APIs. We also adhere to any policies/limits they put forth.

Also, we believe that our service can reduce the load on these systems, as one scan can amalgamate the searches of multiple individuals. Imagine, for example, 20 people all looking for a specific date and park. Instead of each of them hitting Refresh repeatedly, our system consolidates those searches into a single query that only checks the availability data (unlike an individual who would load the entire webpage with each refresh).

We’ve put a lot of effort into optimizing how our scans and systems run. Much like when we’re out in nature, we do our best to leave no trace.

What doesn’t Campnab do?

Campnab doesn’t give you an advantage when parks open for reservations. Campnab doesn’t immediately find sites the moment you sign up. Campnab doesn’t control the supply of available campsites. Campnab doesn’t book the campsite for you. Campnab doesn’t resell camping reservations. Campnab doesn’t guarantee you a reservation. The only thing Campnab does is help you spot cancelled campsite reservations. The rest is up to you. Here’s a video with more information, titled: “What Doesn’t Campnab Do?”.

Are you looking for investors?

No—we aren’t looking for any outside investment in Campnab. From what we’ve witnessed, venture-backed companies often prioritize approaches we see as questionable.

For this reason, we’re keeping Campnab a small, hands-on operation, run by two friends—who like helping out other campers. We’ll never be a big company and that’s how we like it.


Are bots to blame for all of the campsites being booked?

The short answer: Probably not. A few years back, some private companies reserved spots en-masse, and then made them available for resale. Those services were unethical and didn’t last long. (You can search for these services and find that their websites are now inactive.)

Most parks require you to create a personal account to make reservations. These reservations typically can’t be transferred to others, which thwarts resellers’ efforts. (In some areas, the park will check your identification upon arrival to ensure that it matches the booking information.)

The real problem is that camping is popular and there are only so many spots. (Consider Yosemite, which is visited by millions of people a year, but only has hundreds of campsites.) Campers know this—and an army of them is ready to book, on opening morning. This means spots at popular parks get snapped up instantly.

Campnab could be classified as a bot. That said, we don’t book anything. We only notify people about openings. Want to read more about bots and camping? Here’s an article we wrote: Are Bots Ruining Camping at Popular Parks?

Or, you could watch this video: “Let’s Talk About Camping Bots”. In this video, Eric K. looks at what many think bots are, and why such a possibility isn’t a significant concern. With that out of the way, he examines what the more likely issue is—and how we might remedy it, together. 🤙

Why is it so hard to book a campsite?

We can’t say for certain, but we have some hunches. First, a lot of us work on screens all day. This leaves us craving time outdoors, in the fresh air. Part of this also relates to nostalgia. Those of us who grew up camping want to share the experience with our kids.

Every time a campsite opens for reservations, it is slammed by thousands upon thousands of campers ready to book. They are signed in, have their campsite selected, and immediately click Reserve. It’s also worth noting that a lot of sites can be booked for long durations.

If you just run the math on how many spots are available at a campground—and how many people are ready to book—you see why they sell out so quickly. Some tour companies and employers enlist their staff to click en masse—in attempts to secure any reservations possible.

One big issue is that folks often book more than they need. For example, I spoke with a who noted that he typically books 23 days at Killbear and then cancels the ones he doesn’t want. This just illustrates how many “booked” campsites might not get used.

The pandemic only made this worse, as many who’d otherwise travel internationally were looking for domestic options. This resulted in a lot of folks who’ve never camped before deciding to try camping for the first time.


What are the alternatives to Campnab?

A lot of parks now offer alerts right in their booking systems, so, you should check that first. These are often quite good, but sometimes lack options like filtering by attributes, specific site scans, or alerts via text message.

You can also camp on public lands (but first check with the Bureau of Land Management to learn what’s involved). There are also many private campgrounds to consider. You can check this article on Campnab alternatives for more options and added detail.

Is Campnab on social media?

Yes, but we aren’t doing much there—because we don’t like social media and prefer to focus on making Campnab better. If you still want to connect, you’ll find us on FacebookYouTubeTwitterInstagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok (good grief!). One more thing: if you nab a campsite through Campnab, perhaps take a photo of your trip and tag #campnab in it. We’d love to see where our service helped take you!

Do you work with influencers?

We don’t do much of this, as we prefer for word-of-mouth to spread more organically. That said, we do operate a small ambassador program. It allows us to partner with a handful of campers who share their stories online (typically through video).

This is a very low-key setup in which they get access to our system and provide feedback. We also welcome them to share their unvarnished Campnab experiences (be they good, bad, or mediocre).

If you’d like to apply to become a Campnab ambassador, we welcome you to send us an email noting why you’re interested in partnering. (Please include links to your YouTube channel and social profiles.)

Should I tell my friends about Campnab?

Totally—we’d love that! Join our Affiliate program, and use your custom link. We’ll pay you $3.00 when they purchase a single scan, or $7.00 when they subscribe to a Campnab membership.

Can I buy a Campnab gift certificate?

Not yet, but we’re working on this. We plan to use our promo codes to distribute gift cards/certificates. The challenge is that our current promo code system is out-of-date and not built for this task. That said, we’ve roughed out a design for this page and sorted out the general mechanics. So, hopefully, it’ll be ready in not-so-long.

What font do you use on this website?

It’s called Campy, and we built it just for Campnab. (It’s based on Eric K.’s printing.) You can read the story of Campy the typeface in this blog post. If you’d like to learn more about Campy’s features, or use Campy in your own projects, you can license it from the Campy the Font page.

Do you sell Campnab merch?

We do sell a few hats, a hoodie, and some stickers in The Campnab Store. The selection of items is quite limited as we only want to produce items that are of a reasonably good quality. We found that most print-on-demand t-shirts just didn’t hold up, so, we’ve avoided selling any items that look crappy.


Get notified when a sold-out campground has availability

Tell us when, where, and how long you want to camp for. We’ll notify you (via SMS) when a suitable spot opens up at that campground—so you can nab that sold-out campsite reservation!

Create a scan