Eric Karjaluoto
I’m one of the two people working on Campnab. I like to run, ski, bike, and camp with my family and friends. (I love saunas.)
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Planning to camp in Texas 🌵, but unable to find the campsite 🏕 you want? That sucks—and we know it. So, Shelkie set Campnab up to scan Texas State Parks for cancelled campground reservations. Nice, right? 😃 Here’s the full list of Texas parks Campnab can scan for you. BTW: We already scan a number of national parks located in Texas. 💯
Get notified when a sold-out campground has availability
Tell us when, where, and how long you want to camp for. We’ll notify you (via SMS) when a suitable spot opens up at that campground—so you can nab that sold-out campsite reservation!